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Search Examples
Here you can find some most popular search examples. Just copy and paste with some modifications into the textarea:
Find by Comment Author
This query will find all issues where a user with some@email.com email has left a comment
{ "fields.comment.comments.author.emailAddress": "some@email.com" }
Find by Linked Issues
This query will find all issues which have incoming or outgoing link "Block"
{ "fields.issuelinks.type.name": "Block" }
The query below finds all issues that are linked as "Blocks", are neither "Closed" nor "Resolved" and which are being linked by issues from the "MORPH" project
{ "fields.issuelinks": { "$elemMatch": { "type.name": "Blocks", "inwardIssue.key": {"$regex": "MORPH-"}, "inwardIssue.fields.status.name": { "$nin": [ "Closed", "Resolved" ] } } } }
Find not Finished Subtasks in a Sprint
All open subtasks within a sprint can be found using the following query:
{ "fields.customfield_10007": {"$regex": "Sample Sprint 2"}, "fields.issuetype.subtask": true, "fields.status.name": {"$nin": ["Done"]} }
where fields.customfield_10007 is the Sprint Name Custom Field, and "Sample Sprint 2" is the actual Sprint name
Find Tasks that has not Finished Subtasks in a Sprint
Similar to the query above, but slightly reversed:
{ "fields.customfield_10007": {"$regex": "Sample Sprint 2"}, "fields.issuetype.subtask": false, "fields.subtasks.fields.status.name": {"$nin": ["Done"]} }
Reusing Results from Previous Search Query
It is also possible to use array of search queries, passing the "__RESULT__" keyword (which contains issues keys from the previous query) into the second query.
[{...}, {...}]
For example, the query below would read like this (from second to first):
Find Tasks with link type "Blocks" and which are not blocking Stories where some@gmail.com has left a comment
[{ "fields.issuetype.name": "Story", "fields.comment.comments.author.emailAddress": "some@gmail.com" }, { "fields.issuelinks.outwardIssue.fields.issuetype.name": "Task", "fields.issuelinks.type.name": "Blocks", "fields.issuelinks.outwardIssue.key": {"$nin": "__RESULT__"} }]
All keys from the first query will be passed instead of the __RESULT__ into the second query.